Taking care of your body is good. That is an understatement.
Taking care of your body is good. That is an understatement.
One of my favorite books I read in 2021; it is a nice book with good and interesting points and is kind of tied to systems thinking. It is about trophic cascades as well as other things.
This book goes deep on evolution and explains how evolution is not random but rather an unconciusly driven thing that shapes the creatues. Dawkins eloquently dismisses arguments that darwinian evolution is random and that complexity cannot arrive by small steps and explains how it happes.
This book is about understanding how the world as we perceive it is not based on truth, but fitness. Fitness is the maximisation of survivability. It takes our cognitive science and applies the acid of Darwin´s theory of evolution to it.
This book is about the fascinating life of John von Neumann. It describes the work and the ramifications of the work he ventured on. Things like game theory, the biology of cell automata, economics, physics, mathematics, and computer science are all fields either founded or drastically influenced by the work of John von Neumann.
This book is about seeds from trees. How did they evolve? How did they flourish? What causes them to be like they are?