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121 docs tagged with "books"

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Book contians the storeis of Washington and the continental army through the tumultuous year of 1776. It paints a bleak picture of an overmatched rebel army that where not up to the standards. Furthermore, if not for the stoic preserverance of George washington or the courage of some of his inexperienced but promising generals the world history would be quite different.

5 Love Languages

The book defines 5 different ways we need affection from our loved ones. It covers how you can identify which love language your significant other uses and how to strengthen love by talking to them in their language. It does this by using examples of love languages or dialects and shows how others have used them to a great extent.

97 Things Every Programmer Should Know

This book is a collection of 97 software engineering tips and advice from experts in the field. It contains non-technical advice, technical advice and thoughts from a pretty large corpus of experience.

A Field Guide to Lies

This book is akin to calling bullshit, where it goes through all the ways people fool themselves and others. The book might make you too aware and skeptical of everything.

A little Hatred

The thrilling sequel to the first Law and its follow-up books. Set in an industrial revolution age, class struggle, money, and power are keywords. The characters are fascinating and funny in that you can see their faults even by following their perspective.

A Story of Us

It is about the evolution of us, starting from where we separated from the other apes. It is fun and engaging and tries to make stories of how premodern people are behaving.


This book is about the lack of knowledge and the dangers of trying to be "too" scientific. It goes into the different aspects of human nature that is difficult to explain.

Animal Farm

The animal farm animals are free, having rebelled and expelled their human masters. Working hard under the leadership of the pigs Snowball and Napoleon, the animals toil and work harder than ever. At least all animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.

Automating Your Mac

This book is about automation in the Mac sphere. The book goes through some cool automation. Most of it is pretty unconvincing.

Basic Economics

Prices work, and competition works; if someone wants to limit the free market, it is usually a good indicator that they want to make money on it.

Best served Cold

The book is set in a different place than the first law, but a lot of the characters from the first law series are there and it is very much connected. It follows a mercenary woman and her quest for revenge. It is filled with betrayals.

Black Boy

This book depicts, from a young boy to a young man's perspective, the journey from Jim Crow South to Chicago and the trials from the communist party. It is a gripping read, where the main character is never comfortable in his environment, constantly struggling for the right to exist as an individual. Freedom all look the same, but oppression has many faces.


Books are an excellent way to engage yourself in something completely. It is one of my favorite ways to learn and understand things, and I want to be able to read every day.

Calling Bullshit

This book is all about the BS. It is split into defining, identifying, and calling bullshit in the modern world. It is an easy read, with good examples and a skeptical eye on everything.

Dancing in the Glory of Monsters

This book covers the civil war of Congo, a long period from the mid-nineties to mid-oughts. It portrays the people participating, the forces and the geopolitical games between nations. It also gives a voice to the people itself.

Data Engineering with dbt

This is a book about data engineering, with a sprinkle of dbt as well. What it is not is a book on dbt, it most definitely is a book on data engineering. It contains data engineering knowledge and ways of working.

Data Science the Hard Parts

This book dives into the difficult aspects of data science. The difficult aspects are business value proposition, communication and measuring impact. These topics are discussed and methods for doing this the right way are presented.

Data Strategy

This book is about strategy, and data is the context in which strategy is discussed. There are some things like the McKinsey data maturity model that are discussed, but the main jist is the strategy. ‘Change is inevitable. … Change is constant.’ This is an important aspect of this entire book.

Designing Machine Learning Systems

This book covers the fundamentals of designing machine learning systems. It goes through the entire lifecycle of a machine learning system and then discusses the ecosystem and the challenges and cases that need to be considered.

Driving Digital Strategy

This book covers how digital transformations are shaping all industries (Software eating the world). It covers platforms, product as a service and analytics as important concepts.

Economics in One Lesson

This book is about prices and the fact that the economic machine should not be tampered with. It is a classic Austrian school of Economics type of book, and contains the usual arguments from that school. It uses 200 pages to conclude that you should not tamper with it.

Extreme Ownership

Leif and Jocko go through their combat experiences in combat and the lessons in leadership that they have learned from them. They break down concepts, explain why they are important for the SEALS, and highlight them in the business context as well.

Fearless Salary Negotiation

This book is about job searching, job salary negotiating and how to do it. Moreover, it also delves a bit into the data on negotiating and also a bit about how to use techniques to negotiate.

Feature Engineering for Machine Learning

This book is about how to make features for machine learning models and implement them into models. The book goes into natural language text, tabular data, and image data. It contains discussions about how to implement good engineering practices in feature engineering.


This book is about the history of mankind as a function of finance and economics. It was a good and interesting book.

Fluent Python

This book is a more advanced book on Python and dives more into the nitty-gritty of the language. It is about a lot of the core functionalities of Python and how they work. A lot of internal things, such as iterators, data objects and methods and functions, are discussed and analysed in detail.

Four Thousand Weeks Time Management for Mortals

This book takes all the productivity and self-help books and asks if we should take a step back and not be captives of our ambitions. This book is for those who try too hard to be 10X'ers and feel demotivated by their lack of results.

Fundamentals of Data Engineering

This book covers the fundamentals of data engineering and how to solve problems. of data engineering without going to much into detail of the programming. It introduces concepts such as data warehouse and Kafka and data pipelines and ETL.

Gap Selling

This book describes the concept of gap selling, which is identifying the customer's ideal end state and the gap between the current state and the end state to drive sales.

Getting Started with Streamlit for Data Science

This book is a welcoming introduction to a Python module that has seen rapid growth. It offers a brief overview of the application's capabilities and shows how its user-friendly nature makes it an inclusive tool for both new and experienced data scientists.

Good Strategy Bad Strategy

This book is about embracing the core of what a strategy is. It differentiates between strategy and wishful thinking, masquerading as strategy. It defines what a good strategy is with examples.

Hands-On Unsupervised Learning Using Python

This book is an introduction to unsupervised machine learning techniques and practices. It introduces methods of unsupervised learning for clustering, correlations and time series analysis. It analyses models and provides guidance on how to use them.

Homage to Catalonia

Orwell writes about the Spanish Civil War and occasionally touches on the fascists. He writes about the fractions that the government was more interested in fighting amongst themselves than the enemy. And with some indignation, tells on how lies travel half the world before the truth gets its shoes on.


This book is about the psychology of modern web apps and how we get people "hooked" to the apps and websites. It goes into detail about the steps required to get people invested in the product they are using and how to maintain that investment.

How Big Things Get Done

This book explores how big projects succeed or fail and the underlying causes. Big things fail, and when they fail, they usually fail catastrophically. The book identifies the causes and explains how to fix them.

How the World Really Works

This book is for the naturalist and realists that are concerned about the environment. It goes through the most critical things that drive our modern society, cement, steel, ammonia and plastic, and goes through what it takes to produce said elements. You don't get that enthusiastic about a zero-oil society by reading it.


- Bureaucracy is like Pornography, it's hard to find anyone than won't pretend to be offended by it but there's a lot of it around."

I Moved Your Cheese

This book is a fairy tale about mice and labyrinths. The characters of Max, Big, and Zed are musing on the fact that the mice are all in the maze and looking for cheese when there is no one asking why the cheese is always being moved around.

Imagined Communities

It is a kinda of half Marxist, half academic book about how language primarily shaped nation-states and how written language is the primary factor of nationalism. Imagined comities, aka the nation as a concept, are shaped by languages.


This book is about the life of Olav Haraldson, also known as Olav the Holy. This book offers a glimpse into how the Viking Age was. Mostly, it shows the strife and warfare that shaped history and how the impressions of the writers shape the historical narrative.

Learn Google Flutter Fast

This book is basically an introduction guide to google flutter and how to best start working with it. It goes through dart, flutter widgets, and state management, as well as other things. It gives example code as well as images of the apps created by the code.

Letters to a Young Contrarian

This book is about being right, not being in the crowd etc. It is advice on how to stay true to the principles. The letters are thoughtful and engaging.


This section is about the fine arts of literature and how I relate to them. I will use this section mostly as a way for me to relate to the great works.

Machine Learning Design Patterns

This book is about machine learning design patterns and discussions around those—concepts in machine learning for this. And therefore, it is a good reminder of the concepts and core tenants of machine learning.

Machine Learning Engineering

This book is about the practical implementation of machine learning models. It goes through why machine learning should be used, how to implement it, and how to execute in all phasers of the machine learning life-cycle.

Machine Learning Engineering with MLflow

Introduction to ML flow package and how to use it. It is basically an advanded user guide to help with understanding and applying MLFlow for machine learning projects.

Made to Stick

This book describes the underlying reasons why an idea sticks. It goes through the concreteness, unexpectedness, and credibility of an idea and how it affects how well an idea sticks. It goes through interesting cases and highlights reasons why these ideas have become ingrained in our collective minds.

Managing Humans

A nice little book about management from an IT manager's perspective. It is easy to read. It contains a lot of nuggets from a long career and helpful perspectives.

Material World

This book covers some of the most important materials in today's world. It covers the extraction, refinement, and use and explains why the material is important and its challenges. It is also, by extension, a book about the modern world.

Millennial Love

This book is a gathering of all things related to the art of modern dating. Olivia Petter explores how dating apps, shows, porn and the sexual revolution has changed how we approach love. It is a deeply personal tale, with examples and anecdotes that underlines the cold hard numbers.

Modelling Mindsets

This book is mostly about different ways of thinking about models, in the context of making models of real-world phenomena. It dives into the cons and benefits of each mindset and tries to explain how knowing each is a good advantage.


This book is about dating for men. But it is an honest book, that says that you should start with yourself and become a person people likes and you are comfortable with. Real men are vulnerable and in charge of their feelings.

Moral Mazes

This book analyses corporate culture from a sociological perspective and how organizations act. It is an interesting aspect of the corporate culture and how it behaves. As a bonus, there is a shitton of funny anecdotes.

Never Split the Difference

This book is about negotiating and the human aspect of negotiating. It recounts stories of hostage negotiating and other experiences less threatening and tells how this helps you become a better negotiator.

On Food and Cooking

One of the most comprehensive and scientific books on cooking available. All the foods and their origins, their etymology and their scientific composition, are discussed. A stunningly through work, it gives the reader a lot of knowledge on the subject of food.

On Palestine

This book is a critique of the horrendous way Israel has treated the Palestinians. It delves into all the classical arguments on the situations and dispels them. Their main argument is that Palestinians have as much of a right to their land as the Israelis.

Payments Systems in the US

This book is an overview of how the U.S. and by extension, the world's payment systems work. It goes into detail on credit cards, debit cards, checking and other systems. It contains an overview of the how and why of each system.


This book addresses the elephant in the software room, that people, not tech, are the obstacle. Tech is just there to be applied; solving the problem requires a lot of people and knowledge to go the right way. It also addresses how to solve this problem for humans.

Personal MBA

A book with small but interesting stories and lessons. It is meant to concretize a master in business and administration into a single magnum opus. Its lessons are short but interesting.

Practical MLOps

This book is a no-nonsense book about practical MLOps and how you should approach it to solve business problems. The book takes an even more hardline approach to automation and focuses on the concept of Kaizen ML, where continuous improvement and striving to make the feedback loop even shorter and the process more and more seamless.

Practical Recommendation Systems

This book is an easy and good introduction to recommendation systems. It is meant to introduce the concept of recommendation systems and, from there, give concepts and methods on how to make them. This book is about usage rather than the theoretical background.

Practical Vim

This book is a practical introduction to VIM. It contains an introduction to Vim and help with the different modes and how to set it up properly.

Pragmatics of Human Communication

This book is about communication between humans, moreso than communications between entities/institutions and humans. It deals with a lot of interesting behaviour disorders in the context of communications.

Pricing and Revenue Optimization

It is a book about price optimization as well as revenue management. It consists of multiple ways to do price optimization and deals with techniques from the industry.

Pro Git

This book delves deep into Git. It is nice for an intermediate git professional who would like to have some more understanding of the "under the hood".

Python Testing with Pytest

This book dive into all aspects of python test module Pytest. It describes using tests, patching, and fixture as well as advanced topics such as automatic testing, etc.

Python Tricks

This book is just a lot of neet tricks to use in python. It contains knowledge about structures in python, wrappers to use, and a lot of lot more. Nice for a developer with some python knowledge.

Seeing Like a State

This book is an investigation into the world of high modernism and an analysis of the consequences of high modernism.

Serengeti Rules

One of my favorite books I read in 2021; it is a nice book with good and interesting points and is kind of tied to systems thinking. It is about trophic cascades as well as other things.

Simply Said

This book is about how to communicate simply and efficiently. It provides a framework for understanding how to communicate well. Simple is elegant.

Slaughterhouse Five

The book is about war, and imprisonment. It is written in an absurd matter which hides the traumas the person experience. It is an antiwar novel that is written as a comedy.

Soul in the Game

What is a meaningful life? Vitali takes on his journey filled with wisdom and experiences and tells beautiful stories that resonate. Topics such as life, wisdom, writing, and classical music are taken up with humor, emotion, and clarity.

Spark The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain

Spark is basically about how exercise is good for your brain as well as your body. Most of the book tells in allegories how exercise helps people become more focused and that by stopping exercising we are losing out on important functions for the brain as well as the body.

Start with No

This book is about negotiations but slowly becomes a self-help book. It argues against compromise and says that no is an important word in negotiations. Maybe is the worst word in negotiations.


Stoner portrays the life of William Stoner, from a young man and student to a professor in Literature. The book portrays the small things and trivial conflicts and relationships in life.

Stuff Matters

A book about a lot of stuff. It is a book about the stuff we make use of. It consists of a lot of information about everything we use in our daily lives.

Survival of the Savvy

This book is about navigating the corporate world of politics and still remaining a high-integrity individual. It contains guides on how to understand the world of corporate politics and not becomming a pawn. It contains realistic scenarios and is


This book is about systems, why they exist, and the rules that govern them. The book dives into the fundamentals of human-made systems and pokes fun at the tribulations of complicated systems and how humans often fail to comprehend the systems.

Take Control of Automating Your Mac

This book is about cool and fast ways you can automate your Mac experience. It goes over the most important things you can automate, with a strong focus on Mac apps. It goes deeper into automation such as Keyboard Maestro

The Art of Business Value

It is a book that wants to define the concept of Business Value in the context of software mostly. It also delves into the different ways of working and how it affects business value.

The blade Itself

This is the introductory. book in the first law series/world. It is the beginning of the adventure of the main heroes of the first law trilogy. Most of it pertains to mundane tasks and world-building.

The Blind Watchmaker

This book goes deep on evolution and explains how evolution is not random but rather an unconciusly driven thing that shapes the creatues. Dawkins eloquently dismisses arguments that darwinian evolution is random and that complexity cannot arrive by small steps and explains how it happes.

The Brothers Karamazov

It is a book that involves morality, love, and spirituality. It is a crime story with the morals of the characters being put on trial.

The Capitalist Manifesto

This book is a homage to the progress that capitalism has brought. It is an interesting comparison to the doom and gloom books. It is a book about the fantastic increase in wealth and prosperity that capitalism has brought.

The Creativity Code

This book is about how creativity is entering a new age where AI and machine learning enhances and sometimes surpass human creativity. It is about what creativity is at its core. And it is about how

The Delicate Art of Bureaucracy

This book dives into the concept of bureaucracy and why it exists. Afterwards, it dives into the three concepts of monkey (chaos tinkering), razor (slowly removing) and sumo wrestler (Using it against itself). These three methods are described in detail to show the reader how to deal with bureaucracy.

The Evolution of Everything

THis book is about the growth of the world, and argues that the human society grows evolutionary, rather than revolutionary. It is filled with tidbits related to this theory.

The Fifth Discipline

This book is about apporaching the difficulties of organizations and businesses using system thinking. It goes through the issues at hand, and how some problems are related to the system in itself rather than people. The goal is to create organizations that learn to work in this context.

The First World War

This book is about the history of the great world war. It covers the major strategic themes and goes in-depth on the conflicts outside of the Western front. It is a book that focuses on the war and only the war.

The Job Closer

This book is about CVs, resumes, interviews, and negotiating. It is sharp, to the point, and concise. It is focused on the science of job application and skips the fluff.

The Man from the Future The Visionary Life of John von Neumann

This book is about the fascinating life of John von Neumann. It describes the work and the ramifications of the work he ventured on. Things like game theory, the biology of cell automata, economics, physics, mathematics, and computer science are all fields either founded or drastically influenced by the work of John von Neumann.

The Manager's Path

This book is for technical people who aspire to become great leaders. Camille goes through her experiences and discusses what is required of you at each step of the ladder to management. She discusses how to act as a technical manager, how to interact with people and direct reports and identify issues.

The Missing Billionaires

This book is about personal finance and risk. It starts with an interesting thought experiment about 40/60 % heads or tails and how much of your stake you should bet each time. Then it goes into detail.

The Organized Mind

This book is about the limitations of the mind, and how we can utilize the environment to make our minds more organized and more structured. It goes through a lot of different types of cognitive failures and tries to highlight in a good way how the mind works.

The Quants

This is a history book of people who revolutionized finance with math, game theory, and computers to model how the market work. However, the real world is not a model, and quants are also humans, as the financial crisis showed.

The Strategist Handbook

This book is a very practical introduction to company strategy, and how to execute strategy. It is for the consultants, managers and planners who define and execute a strategy.

The Structure of Scientific Revolutions

This book examines what constitutes a "scientific revolution". The book goes into detail, with some specific examples covering Copernicus's heliocentric theory of astronomy, Lavoiser´s gas theory and Røntgen´s x-ray theory. It covers what the background for each was and tries to find some common criteria for a scientific revolution.

The Triumph of Seeds

This book is about seeds from trees. How did they evolve? How did they flourish? What causes them to be like they are?

The Trusted Advisor

This book is about consulting. The book highlights that a consultant is not a seller, but rather an advisor who should be a trusted part of a company. The tools and ways for a consultant to gain this trust are discussed in this book.

The Wim Hof Method

Breathing is apparently all you need. It can cure anxiety, hangovers, MS, and much more. Also, Ice baths are good as well and the core temperature can be manipulated.

The Wisdom of Crowds

Last book (for now) in the first law series. It is a good and interesting fantasy book in that it emulates the French Revolution. I quite liked it and how it portrays a turbulent age where power dictates the fate of life.

Thinking in Systems

This book is about understanding and conveying how the system works and how you can use systems thinking to understand the world differently. Systems have mechanisms that govern their behavior, and system thinking allows you to model how the system behaves when manipulating it.

Turn the Ship Around

This book is about the leadership-leadership principle, where leaders are encouraged to enable other leaders below them in the hierarchy to evolve and take ownership. This book contains the implementation of the leader-leader principle onboard a nuclear submarine and how it went.


It is a book about learning, based a little bit on the Deep Work and the Atomic Habits style of book. IT is about learning effectively and fast.

Understanding Michael Porter

This book is a condensed and high-level walkthrough of the works of Michael Porter the strategist. It goes through the five forces, how to understand business and companies. It shows how to understand the business and its advantages and disadvantages.

When Reason goes on Holliday

This book is about the brightest minds and their dumbest opinions. It goes into detail about modern philosophers, and their political opinions, who sometimes show how brilliant minds fall for the simplest falsehoods. It is a warning that knowledge is not always transferable.

Why Orwell Matters

Hitchens calmly and effectively demolishes the right, the left, and all others who have taken Orwell's name in vain. He delves into the absurd scenarios in 1984 and Animal Farm and highlights the same exact scenarios from real-life scenarios. Imperialism, Fascism, and Communism, the great calamities of the 19th century, are shown through the lens of Orwell, and also how he always lands on the right side of history.

Word by Word

It's a book about dictionaries. It contains how dictionaries are made (very nerdy) and how the history of words has been shaped by a multitude of factors. Also, how silent it is at dictionary workshops.

Your Brain at Work

This book is about how you can understand and work on your performance by understanding how the brain works. The book goes through different scenarios and explains why the persons in the scenario do what they do and what they can do to achieve better results. The book contains helpful hints about how to "hack" your brain to achieve better results and improve your life.

Zen & The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

This book is a philosophical work, wrapped in a story of a father and son travelling around the US. It concerns thoughts about quality, understanding things, and appreciation of the process itself. It also discusses quality in a philosophical setting.