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8 docs tagged with "system-thinking"

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Moral Mazes

This book analyses corporate culture from a sociological perspective and how organizations act. It is an interesting aspect of the corporate culture and how it behaves. As a bonus, there is a shitton of funny anecdotes.

Seeing Like a State

This book is an investigation into the world of high modernism and an analysis of the consequences of high modernism.


This book is about systems, why they exist, and the rules that govern them. The book dives into the fundamentals of human-made systems and pokes fun at the tribulations of complicated systems and how humans often fail to comprehend the systems.


Systems are what we have around us, and instead of focusing on the thing itself, is about how things interact with other things. I got introduced to thinking in systems from the book Thinking in Systems and I have tried to explore those topics more in detail later.

The Dictator's Handbook

Nobody rules alone. In order to rule you need to reward your supporters. Everyone who wastes money is likely to be replaced by those who don't. The more concentrated your supporting groups are, the more power is given to them.

The Fifth Discipline

This book is about apporaching the difficulties of organizations and businesses using system thinking. It goes through the issues at hand, and how some problems are related to the system in itself rather than people. The goal is to create organizations that learn to work in this context.


Here, I write about ways of thinking about the world and the whys and hows. I am fascinated by how we as a species behave and act and how we can improve as a species.

Thinking in Systems

This book is about understanding and conveying how the system works and how you can use systems thinking to understand the world differently. Systems have mechanisms that govern their behavior, and system thinking allows you to model how the system behaves when manipulating it.