Here, I write about ways of thinking about the world and the whys and hows. I am fascinated by how we as a species behave and act and how we can improve as a species.
- Normalization of Deviance: A concept where deviances are slowly accepted as a part of the process and not addressed. This might lead to catastrophic outcomes. The warning sign is always on.
- Awesome Cold Showers is a curated collection of articles and resources that provide a sober perspective on popularly hyped topics in technology and programming. It aims to remind enthusiasts to remain grounded despite their excitement.
- Lessons from the Greatest R&D labs in history
- Notes on psychology with practical applications
- Ambition Essay Narration by David Whyte
- 90 percent of everything is crap
- Four Ways of Thinking
Friction in Organisations
- Organization and processes incur friction slowly.
- Friction is an inevitable outcome of company growth, which we can control. But is increased by the normalization of deviance, which we can control.
- Normalization of deviance example can be shown in the Challenger Space Shuttle Accident, which was coined in the accident investigation.
- You cannot predict the future, but you can train yourself for it.
- Everyone on this earth is at the core stupid. That includes both the reader and writer of this section. Make sure that you always take this simple fact into account.
- People judge themselves on their intents, but others on their actions.