I made a static web page to share my thoughts and the knowledge I have acquired. I wanted a place to share what I had learned with the wider world. Secondly, it was more of a learning experience creating and maintaining the web page over time.
My go-to knowledge-gathering and note-taking app is Obsidian. Obsidian lets me quickly gather notes in a structured format and have standard methods for linking notes together, having tags, and a more structured way of learning. A big issue is structuring migrations from obsidian to the github. For me, it was a bit more of difficult setting to migrate the data from one place to another. Furthermore,
Docusaurus is a library based on the React framework and is used to display the page. One advantage of docusaurus is that I can work in obsidian and then migrate those to the repo with the code. I can also separate the different pages that are personal and those that I would like to share. Also, Docusaurus enables me to learn more about JavaScript and development in React. I found it very easy to deploy and make the web page, making it much more rewarding to work on development. ¨
Random Page
I want to write a little bit about the random page funcitonaliyty i impolemented in docusaurus. I think this is a good thing to write about becuase it highlights some of the struggles of a developer.
I started with making a prompt for creating a docusaurus random page, and after the message from the LLM was kind of vague I did a little bit of research into the topic.
I use react for creating components and therefore it seemed like a good choice to look a bit into how a react component was made. However, it seemed to be quite difficult for me to use the lists dynaimcally, and I decided to create a list of articles using a bash shell script for creating the articles list and then reference that one in react. Kind of a hazzle I know but it seemed to me a path of least resistance, and for the issues of the scripts, well, I have to run scripts anyways.
After I made the list, which was a text file, I had issues parsing the file in the react component (Also made quickly with LLM support). I then thought, why not use JSON instead. I also then could add a title. The script for making the list in JSON ended up looking like this:
#! /bin/bash
find docs -type f -name "*.md" | sed 's/\.md$//' | awk -F/ -v q='"' 'BEGIN {
print "["
function join(array, start, end, sep, result, i) {
result = array[start];
for (i = start + 1; i <= end; i++) {
result = result sep array[i];
return result;
# Replace spaces with %20 (URL encoding).
gsub(/ /, "%20", $0);
# Split the path into parts.
n = split($0, parts, "/");
# Determine the title.
title = parts[n];
gsub(/%20/, " ", title); # Revert %20 to spaces for title display.
# Handle the case where the parent folder and file name are the same.
if (n > 1 && parts[n] == parts[n-1]) {
path = join(parts, 1, n-1, "/");
} else {
path = $0;
# Print the JSON object line.
print (NR>1 ? "," : "") " {\"path\": \"" path "\", \"title\": \"" title "\"}";
print "\n]"
}' > static/article_list.json
Quite complicated, yes? Then, I managed after struggling with removing one part of the path and generally acting like a GPT monkey, punching in the code from ChatGPT and pasting in error without any thoughts whatsoever. This was annoying. After making a separate component, realizing it was not a good way to make it (As it should be part of the overview page and could be reused there), making a custom function for it instead, making it work, and then realizing it worked locally but failed deployment to the cloud (FML). Then it was debugging in the npm run build. Hooray!!!!! I finally realized the error, as I did
const response = await fetch('@site/static/article_list.json');
const articles = response.json();
But It should have been
const articles = require('@site/static/article_list.json');
I wrapped my head around the concept of async for the nth time, and then it was there. I guess I am a fully-fledged senior front-end developer.
The takeaway from this charming story of an undisturbed evening is the following:
- A solution is first hacky, then generalized, and then elegant. With all things requiring both thought and skill.
- Not understanding the output of LLM is bad. Trying to understand the output of LLM is good; understanding the output is better.
In Vercel, you get to deploy quickly, and they have free hosting for some development. I was astonished at how super easy they deployed the page. It was an eureka moment. Making the deployment easy makes it more rewarding to focus on writing code.
The code is on GitHub, as it is easy to create a repo and contains all the code and docs that should be available in the application. This repo separates the code from
- I am very pleased with how I worked on this project; I think it has been a good journey so far, and I hope to learn a lot more and share a lot more when it comes to working on the different things I try to learn.
- Vercel is a super duper awesome product.
- The ease of deployment is important,